-Gotten accepted into my arts course at Monash University
-Seen the Disney Exhibition at ACMI
-Watched a Hitchcock movie for the first time (Rope)
-Found the magic position
-Read books (Sonya Hartnett, Neil Gaiman, others)
-Continued knitting club with my friends
-Stayed home for days
-Learnt more than ever about feminism
-Started 'The Feminist Network'
-Learnt how to crochet and make an octopus
-Lost one crochet hook, gained two
-Sat around naked patting a cat
-Drank Lucky
-Marched for gay pride in my underwear
-Gotten more followers on tumblr
-Thought about dying my hair 3 different colours
-Tried to organise
-Forgot to dream
-Jumped off a pier (not peer, as Lucy pointed out, for that is a different thing) for the first time with the lovely Lucy
Hopefully there's even more to come. Likewise I hope 2011 is turning out to be a good year for all of you.