<--That's Brian Molko and David Bowie and I am Bennyboy!
Well glad that's out of the way. Everyone seems to be introducing themselves so I'll follow suit. I am a year 11 student so I'm a year below everyone else in this blog. I enjoy a multitude of things, well lots of shit. In-discussions on things, Japanese stuff, food, music and hanging with friends.Also I like books but i rarely find time for reading nowadays so it's become an irrelevant fact.
Also whatever Sally (Sally-Anne) drags me into I usually enjoy. She's got good taste that girl.
What will my blogs be about?
Well I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of this blog is but I'll probably update you on things that I find out about the world that interest me. Most likely Japanese or music (or both!) related. Or I could tell you of the woes of my life, probably talking about how much boys suck and how teenage whoremones are a bitch (I do not claim credit for whoremones I give it to Lucy).
So yeah...
Treat me kindly :P
I swear it didn't look like that much...