It would seem that I am yet to appear by name in this wonderful world of DDMM. My name is Lucy, maybe possibly also known as Dancing Irish Penguin or DIP, but please don't put your pita bread and carrot sticks in me. I wrote this entire post out in my head last night before I went to bed, but ask any one of my friends or family and you'll discover that I'm really not very good at remembering things. I make lots and lots of lists to try and help with this. I like lists and organisation A LOT. I also like to eat my toast in 9 bites; no more, no less.
The fact that Ding Diddy Meow Meow is kinda sorta taking some sort of shape makes me rather extremely happy, but the Summer holidays always make me happy and excitable. In my mind, the New Year begins when the Summer begins. This year it has been particularly significant and inspirational as high school is now complete! *Achievement Unlocked: YOU NEVER HAVE TO DO VCE AGAIN!* These Summer holidays have felt like the dawning of a new era, but not just because of the prospect of university (truth be told, I'm not really eagerly anticipating 1st round uni offers. I'm quite happy in my state of no direction). These holidays I decided to stop sitting around on my arse and actually start LIVING. This may have been the best decision I've ever made (which is quite nice seeing as 'Be More Decisive' was one of my New Year's Resolutions). So far I've dyed my hair red, dressed up like Sally from Tim Burton's 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' (which was actually directed by Henry Selick who is brilliant and you should go look him up), established the idea of Movie Mondays with my father in which he educates me in classic cinema (so far we've watched 'Citizen Kane' and 'The Maltese Falcon') and had more fun & sunburn than I've ever had before.
That's enough blabbering on from me for the moment, I do believe. Perhaps thou shalt be hearing from me sometime in the future.
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